In an attempt to have hair like this...
And ended up with hair like this.... (only not 1/2 as decent looking)
People tell me all the time that I have great hair... and while I love my hair, it's hard to maintain. Wash it, air dry it, curl it, tease it, spray it, blow dry it, style it and add a few more curls to it... blah blah blah. It's hard on my hair and it's wearing me down! I've never been one of those people that could wash and wear and still have great looking hair. I envy those women! On the weekends my hair rarely gets done and that's just fine with me, but on the week days I feel undone if I don't fix my hair. I would never dream of showing up at work on a regular day with out my hair done! If I did I must be really sick or really late. I want a style that's easy and doesn't require a lot of effort but still looks sexy. For now... I don't think these rollers are the answer, oh well.
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