
Good Guys

What does my Dad drive?? A 1931 Ford Tudor Sedan....completely hand built from the ground up. Pretty impressive, right?? This will top it all off then; he built it with his own 2 hands. Sure he had some help from his good buddies down at the garage but this was his vision and he made it happen. The car was a Christmas gift from my Mom 5 years ago and it was nothing more than a shell. No motor, no paint, no steering wheel, no windows...nothing. 5 years later this is what it has been restored to. All of my Dad's hard work, time, dedication and patience has paid off. What a beauty! My Dad has already won several awards with this car and it's only been on the road since the later part of May this year. Congratulations on your win today at the Good Guys car show, you deserve it more than anyone out there. I love you Dad :)


the bero's said...
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the bero's said...
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the bero's said...

haha ok, i am such a dork--delted my retarded comments, i had way too much coffee this morning. let's try again:

I am demanding that you guys come over soon! we should have a little potluck dinner!