

Christmas was GREAT! Santa was more than generous to everyone in our family. Here are a few pics, I couldn't post them all because there were almost 400 pictures on our new camera (our Christmas present to each other) just from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Holy snap shot Batman! No one could put our camera down and there were some pretty random pictures on there to prove it ;) Mason got Guitar Hero World Tour for Christmas along with a TON of Star Wars Lego sets (most of which are already put together) and Santa brought him a Razor Pocket Bike, so he's zippin around the neighborhood with his friends...very cool!

Our dogs get presents from Santa too!!

Baby Audrey!

Meredith and Jon

Christmas Morning

Riding his new pocket bike at Gram and Papa's house


Christmas with Mike's family


the bero's said...

you look so pretty! red is totally your color