
Santa Stopped By....

My husband and I are terrible when it comes to giving each other gifts... We can't wait!! When it comes to gift giving celebrations between us we generally have our gifts before the big day. That's ok by us :) This year for Christmas instead of exchanging traditional gifts we decided to get a big ticket item that we've both had our eyes on; a new camera. A Sony A-300 DSLR to be exact... and we also picked up an additional lens for it. We haven't really put it down since we got it yesterday... I'll post pictures soon :)


the bero's said...

i am terrible about keeping the presents i buy a secret, i love giving them away as soon as i buy them!

the bero's said...

i know, i totally feel that way too, i get sad thinking about thegrowing too fast....we decorated it a little over a week ago. you guys?