
I'm Ready!

I'm ready for winter to be here already! I love summer time.... the tans, the sun tan lotion smell in the air, swimming all day, bbq's at night, etc. But I also love the winter time.... the crisp air, the warm smells of baking, the Christmas lights, the decorations and the fact that it stays dark later into the morning! I love Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas....they are some of my favorite times of the year! I love all the cartoon specials and holiday movies that play on tv during these holidays...everything from Halloween and Friday the 13th to A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. I love the holiday music and Christmas carols....my favorite song is 'Baby It's Cold Outside'. I love to bake cookies and brownies for dessert and make hot chocolate to drink with my guys on the couch while we watch movies. I love turning on Christmas Vacation or Home Alone as we decorate the tree! I can't wait for the holidays to get here :)


the bero's said...

i feel ya on that! cannot wait to have our first thanksgiving, christams etc... in our new house. i am over summer in every way.