
Energy? Please and Thank You :)

Today I woke up with absolutely NO energy what so ever and as you can see I still don't have much. I should be getting ready for my best friends 30th birthday party, but after getting out of the shower is as far as I've gotten. Which takes me to earlier in the day. The part of the day that I should have been cleaning house and doing laundry....yeah that's right. The laundry that has piled up from the week and the weekly cleaning that CAN NOT EVER be skipped after 2 adults, 1 kid and 2 very active dogs live in a house. These tasks always get done once a week, but they'll just have to wait until tomorrow because I took a nap instead. So will the grocery shopping..... I had a grilled peanut butter, banana and chocolate chip sandwich for lunch today :) My fabulous husband made me a pot of coffee this morning before he left for work and that still didn't help. I think maybe I just need some relaxation and sleep...maybe another vacation. Any one who knows me knows that I ALWAYS have a clean house. My house is usually ready for unexpected visitors at any time, it's typically clean enough for me to take pride when guests arrive, not today. Tomorrow house, I promise I'll take care of you. Ok seriously! I'm off to get ready now, I want to look super hot when my honey gets home from work...that should distract him from the messy house and lack of groceries ;)


the bero's said...

HA! oh man do i ever know how you feel?!? with jake, me and two kids laundry becaomes a whole day to two day chore! i hate it...i am in that same mood-nothing's getting done today :)