

Well, we finally took Christmas down... This is bittersweet for me every year because while I'm glad to de-clutter, I'm also sad to see the Christmas decorations go back into their assigned storage containers until we retrieve them again the next season. Now my house is back to the simple look we're accustomed to, although, it seems bare in comparison to the winter wonderland that takes over during the holiday season around here. Until next year, this will have to do....

The bare corner where the tree was

The naked cabinets


the bero's said...

we totally have the same kitchen...except mine is REALLY bare bc of the nondecorating I've done!

the bero's said...

i dont know who you voted for, but it seems like me and you are the only ones excited here! dans az red state! i read another blog this morning talking about how the person was "weary" about Obam, but liked Bush! so i got really pissed and had to rant! now i am doing it again...

the bero's said...



i am so fired up apparently i can't spell!